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AtmanAvr 6.0.7 - Released 06-Jun-2022

AtmanAvr, IDE of C/C++ Compiler AVRGCC

AtmanAvr is a high performance C/C++ compiler IDE for the Atmel AVR family of microcontrollers providing visual and modular programming that works   with the  GCC compiler. AtmanAvr supports different  Project Types for the production of  C/C++ executable programs and libraries. An AtmanAvr workspace can contain multiple projects and their Debug and Release configurations.

The AtmanAvr C/C++ development environment includes ProjectWizard, CodeWizard, Workspace, Output, Text editor, Binary editor, Debugger and so on. (see screen snapshot)

  • ProjectWizard - When you first create a project , you use the Project Wizard to lead you through a series of dialog boxes in which you choose options for the MCU type, modules, functions and etc. of your project. AtmanAvr generates code automatically for you.
  • CodeWizard - The Code Wizard is like a programmer's assistant: it makes it easier for you to do certain routine tasks such as 1) creating new modules, 2) adding or deleting interrupt functions, and 3) seeing which modules or interrupt handlers are already defined and jumping to the handler program code.
  • Workspace - The Project Workspace is a container for your development projects. When you create a new project, a workspace is created at the same time. You use the Project Workspace window to view and access the various elements of your projects.
    The Project Workspace window contains the following views:
    • FileView - Displays and manages the files associated with projects that you have created. These can include buildable as well as non-buildable files. (see FileView snapshot)
    • ClassView - Displays and navigates the C/C++ class, function or variable definitions and declarations in your projects. Using ClassView you can jump directly to code. Also, ClassView interacts closely with the Text editor, dynamically updating its display to reflect code that you type in as you type it, without having to first save the file you are working in. (see ClassView snapshot)
    • IOView - Displays the I/O registers and processor information while debugging your program.
  • WizardBar - WizardBar extends ClassView functionality by "tracking" your context, changes its display to reflect when your cursor moves from one function to another in the Text editor. (see WizardBar snapshot)
  • Output - The Output window displays the building, debugging, find in files match and third party tools information. Double-click a diagnostic message in the Output window to jump directly to the line which generates the diagnostic message. Using Output window even you can run an interactive console application such as
  • Text editor - The AtmanAvr C/C++ environment includes an integrated text editor to manage, edit, and print source files. With the Text editor, you can:
    • Automatically fill in code syntax by choosing from a generated list of class members, parameters or values.
    • Automatic parameter information of functions. (see parameter info snapshot)
    • Automatic smart indent.
    • Format the selection using the smart indent settings.
    • Replace spaces/tabs with tabs/spaces in the selection.
    • Comment out or uncomment the selected text.
    • Indent the selected text right or left one tab stop.
    • Open a file based on the string between delimiters '<' and '>' or '"' and '"', or the selected text.
    • Go to a symbol definition based on the word which the caret placed on, or the selected text.
    • Set and customize syntax coloring for source files.
    • Perform advanced find and replace operations in a single file or multiple files.
    • Navigate through sections of code by matching group delimiters.
    • Use Bookmarks to mark frequently accessed lines in your source file.
    • Customize the Text editor with save preferences, the selection margin, tabs, and indents.
    • Modify the font style, size, and color.
    • Select line, or multiple lines.
    • Use drag-and-drop editing within one editor window, and between editor windows.
    • Manage the source window.
    • Line number Tip.
  • Binary editor - The Binary editor allows you to edit a file at the binary level in either hexadecimal or ASCII format.
  • Debugger - AtmanAvr C/C++ provides an integrated fast speed debugger to help locate bugs in an executable program. (see debug snapshot)
    • Supports debugging executable projects as well as .elf and .hex files.
    • Supports conditional Breakpoints.
    • Supports simulating peripheral such as Analog comparator, ADC, USARTs, HD44780-based character-LCD, 8 x 8 segments LEDs and 4 x 4 keyboard.
    • Supports Watchdog reset and CPU Sleep and Wake up.
    • Supports watching any C/C++ expression and variable including array, structure, union, enumeration, bit fields, and parameters of function even if they are located in eeprom or program memory space.
  • Programmer - AtmanAvr C/C++ provides a flexible programmer to download the executable program to MCUs. The programmer supports HEX, BIN and S-RECORDS format files.
    • Supports parallel and serial port banging download cables via SPI Serial Programming Interface, as well as the JTAG Interface. You can define your own parallel and serial port download cables.
    • Supports Atmel AVR910/STK500V2/JTAGICE/JTAGICEmkII/AVRISPmkII/AVRDragon.
    • Supports USBasp cable.
    • Read/Write Calibration Byte.
    • Read/Write Serial ID.
    • Batch programming commands.
    • Extendable device description file ( ..\pgminfo\devices.pgm ).
    • Extendable device definition file ( ..\pgminfo\device_name.pgm ).
    • Extendable programming adapter definition file ( ..\pgminfo\programmers.pgm ).

Helpful Links

Since AtmanAvr is IDE using GCC compiler, it is not a compiler itself. The background tools and some of sample routines came from the following websites. You can visit them for more information.

AVR Libc (
AVRFreaks (
GCC and other GNU software (
Joerg Wunsch (
WinAVR (



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